Handmade Soft Design

Use Applocker To Allow Or Block Dll F...

HKLM\SAM is linked into the SECURITY subkey under HKLM\SECURITY\SAM. HKLM\SAM holds local and domain account information, such as user passwords, group definitions, and domain associations. By default, this key is unreadable by even the system administrator account. Looking inside HKLM\SAM is not very revealing because the data is undocumented and the passwords are encrypted with […]

How To Fix what Needs Your Attention ...

I had to modify it to be a REG_EXPAND_SZ by creating a text download msvcp140.dll at wikidll.com.reg file and importing it in to replace the with a one of the proper type. You can check the filetypes list again by clicking on “Choose defaults for this program” button and now you’ll see 12 image filetypes […]
